The power team is responsible for the solar panels, PDU, PPU, and batteries. There are two solar panels, each with three segments. Each panel has a backing made of two carbon fiber sheets sandwiching aluminum honeycomb. On top of the backing is a layer of RTV adhesive, and the cell series are placed on that, with the coverglass on top. Film adhesive and RTV adhesive are used. Ribbon wire leads from the top of on cell to the back of the next. The only interface is with the MPPT, which relays to the battery and the PPU. The panels will be mounted to the structure with an actuated hinge.
The batteries are nickel cadmium.
There are 3 PDU dc/dc converters, which deliver power to all electrical components not involved with the propulsion subsystem (including avionics, communication, ACS/GNC), and 3 dc/dc PPU converters, which delivers power at the appropriate voltage and current to run the thruster. Six dc/dc converters will be mounted directly to the radiator plate of the satellite. Soldered directly to the pins on top of the converters will be a custom designed PCB, which will take care of power lines, input/output connectors, voltage, current, and temperature sensors, and any control circuitry.